The Rex Begonia, scientifically known as Begonia rex, is a remarkable houseplant celebrated for its stunning, often iridescent foliage. Originating from the lush, rainforest floors of Southeast Asia, this captivating plant has gained immense popularity for its incredible leaf variations and vibrant colors. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the origin, characteristics, specifications, and the art of caring for the Rex Begonia, ensuring it thrives and adorns your living space with its unique and striking foliage. Origin and History Rex Begonias are native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia, including countries like India, Nepal, and Myanmar. They belong to the large Begoniaceae family, which includes a wide variety of begonias, both indoor and outdoor. The name "Rex" signifies the regal beauty of its foliage. These begonias made their way into the world of horticulture in the 19th century, and since then, they've been cherished for their ornate leaves. Cha...
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